I'm working on converting a monolithic web application to a ASP Core client with a (ASP Core) Web Api. Right now the application uses a Microsoft login.

We're investigating using IdentityServer to take care of the authentication middleware, but I'm having trouble understanding the exact role and place of IdentityServer.

Is IdentityServer a separate web application that need to be hosted? or is it part of the Web Api, or the client ASP Core app that will consume the Api?

Cheers, CJ

  • "Is IdentityServer a separate web application that need to be hosted?" - Yes
    – Ramhound
    Nov 26, 2018 at 16:09
  • Thanks! I had indeed found the site and the documentation, but to me it never became clear if it's supposed to be part of your application, or a seperate system altogether. Nov 27, 2018 at 8:16


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