I wanted to upgrade my Team foundation server to Azure DevOps Server RC2 and for that I installed it through installer file. Now after installing whenever I am starting the server console,it's showing me this error:

The Error message

The error is 'could not find the C:..\web.config' I have tried to reinstall it several time also deleting the installed file location (i.e C:\Program Files\Azure DevOps Server 2019) to start the installation from scratch but after installation it remembers the configuration that I have done earlier for tfs, I also want to delete it to start the fresh installation. Please help to resolve this issue.

  • Okay, i have recently found the solution for it. I have messed up with configuration of tfs so i have to uninstall application tier From command prompt, By going into 'C:\Program Files\Azure DevOps Server 2019\Tools' and execute 'TfsConfig setup /uninstall:ApplicationTier' command to unconfigure TFS Application Tier. After that this i have restarted my application and this error message get removed. Feb 13, 2019 at 10:48
  • I`ll believe that the production version of the Azure DevOps Server will not have that issue. Because today TFS does not need to uninstall before version upgrade. Feb 13, 2019 at 18:59


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