I have two columns of data, see below:

|        Email        |       Number     |
|        email1       |         1        |
|        email1       |         2        |
|        email1       |         3        |
|        email2       |         1        |
|        email2       |         2        |
|        email2       |         2        |

Can I somehow use conditional formatting to colour the cells where the number column has a duplicate for a unique email? In the table above, the last 2 rows should have their columns colour changed since the number 2 appears two times for the same email.

Thanks in advance!

  • What did you try so far?
    – CaldeiraG
    May 9, 2019 at 9:03
  • @CaldeiraG So far I have tried using Conditional Formatting but I have failed in the formula, I can find duplicates in one column but am having trouble comparing it to a unique email.
    – Fjodor
    May 9, 2019 at 10:05

1 Answer 1


This would be the formatting for A2:B7:


I concatenate the A and B columnns and see how many rows match "this" row. The regular result should be 1 - higher values mean duplicates.


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