I have conditional formatting in a cell that ranges from 1-5. 1= green 2= green 3= green 4= yellow 5= red

I am trying to change the 1-5 in a different cell to reflect a certain percentage. 1= green and should be 95% 2= green and should be 90% 3= green and should be 85% 4= yellow and should be 80% 5= red and should be 75%

1 Answer 1


One helper column solves the issue:

enter image description here

How it works:

  • Helper Column is D, so the formula in D1:

  • Reach to Conditional format then New Rule.

  • For

Green =OR($D1=1,$D1=2,$D1=3)

Yellow =$D1=4

Red =$D1=5

N.B :

For clear visibility I've used different color than RED for 5 & 75%, you may alter it.

  • Later on for neatness you may hide the Helper Column then your data look like shown below.

enter image description here

Adjust cell references in the formula as needed.

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