I have an Excel file with two sheets and I'm trying to display information from the Master Sheet onto Sheet 2:

Master Sheet

|  ITEM  |  CRITERIA 1  |  CRITERIA 2  |
|  001   |  ABC         |  123         |
|  002   |  DEF         |  456         |
|  003   |  ABC         |  789         |
|  004   |  ABC         |  123         |

Right now I'm using the following formula to display all items from the Master Sheet that have a Criteria 1 of "ABC" (where "masterlist" is the name of the table containing the information):

=INDEX(masterlist[ITEM], SMALL(IF("ABC"=masterlist[CRITERIA 1], ROW(masterlist[ITEM])-1,""), ROW()-2))

|  ITEM  |  CRITERIA 1  |  CRITERIA 2  |
|  001   |  ABC         |  123         |
|  003   |  ABC         |  789         |
|  004   |  ABC         |  123         |

But I want to display all items that match both Criteria 1 of "ABC" and a Criteria 2 of "123".

I've been able to display and repeat only the first entry that matches both of those criteria using:

=INDEX(masterlist[ITEM],MATCH("ABC",masterlist[CRITERIA 1],0),MATCH("123",masterlist[CRITERIA 2],0))

|  ITEM  |  CRITERIA 1  |  CRITERIA 2  |
|  001   |  ABC         |  123         |
|  001   |  ABC         |  123         |
|  001   |  ABC         |  123         |
|  001   |  ABC         |  123         |

But I can't seem to loop through the data like I can in the first formula, no matter what I try. I've tried combining the two formulas every way I can think of.

Is there an easier way to do this? I need help!

1 Answer 1


Add the second requirement to the first formula:

=INDEX(masterlist[ITEM], SMALL(IF(("ABC"=masterlist[CRITERIA 1])*(masterlist[CRITERIA 2]="123"), ROW(masterlist[ITEM])-1,""), ROW()-2))
  • I love you. It works. I've tried a similar formula, but I would always combine the two IF requirements with a comma (,) or I'd try using MATCH with an asterisk (*). Maybe that's where I went wrong? Anyways, THANK YOU. Apr 14, 2020 at 15:04

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