I am trying to insert a PNG image into my word document, but it doesn't insert the full image and instead inserts a cropped version of it with some image being just white:

Partial image

The full image is supposed to be:

Full image

I am not super sure why this is happening. I also noticed that if I paste it as bitmap, then it is the only way to have the full image in the word document.

Moreover, I noticed that some of the images became corrupted:

Corrupted image

Corrupted image

I have some of the images saved and can try re-insert as bitmap, but some of images are no longer on my hard drive.

I also know that if I convert the document from docx to doc, then some of the image are just grey squares, and when I insert the same image, the image is inserted without any issue.

I tried pasting it as Bitmap (using CTRL + ALT + V), and it worked well. When I Insert it using the word menu, it is clipped. Are there any special setting I need to tweak for insertion of the images?

Is there a way to somehow restore the corrupted images? I found an older version of the document where the images look alright, I would probably need to save them and re-paste them again. I would like to avoid corruption in the future? Does anyone know why this is happening? Can anyone think of anythin?

  • Which version of Word are you using? On which operating system? Apr 3, 2021 at 13:35
  • It's the word that is coming with the Office 365. I've tried two different laptops that run Win 10, and I also tried it on a friend's MacOS. I was able to find a version where it doesn't display correctly on the MacOS and another Win 10 machine, but it DOES work and displays image without cutting them on a 3rd laptop. I will try to update the application, and try to see if maybe it's Win related. I also tried to enable and disable hardware acceleration, but that didn't solve anything.
    – QuirkyBit
    Apr 3, 2021 at 14:29
  • 1
    It sounds like you are running into a RAM problem on the first computers. RAM is one of the least expensive upgrades for a system. If you save a document as HTML you will get a folder with the images in it. If you insert from the images produced there, it may work. Apr 3, 2021 at 17:04
  • I will try to save it as HTML, but this all seems too strange to me because the computer with 32GB of RAM and a dedicated GPU RTX-2060 cannot display an image vs 16 GB of RAM and Intel integrated GPU can...
    – QuirkyBit
    Apr 5, 2021 at 12:36
  • How much RAM on the RTX 2060? Might that be the limiting factor? Please do check the PIXEL width and height of those images and tell what you have.
    – Hannu
    Apr 5, 2021 at 13:24

1 Answer 1


Plausible cause #1:

"Too large image", in the respect that Word attempts to gobble up the required amount of RAM - and fails in that.

Note 1: If the image is in the clipboard (you just pasted it!) then there is at least two copies of it in RAM.

Note 2: PNG may be a 3x16 bit image (color depth, requires more RAM), and "bitmap" might be a lot less than that.

Note 3: You have not revealed enough details to allow s more precise assessment.

  • What other details can you think of? I know that if I convert the document from docx to doc, then some of the image are just grey squares, and when I insert the same image, the image is inserted without any issue. As to what of cause 1, I tried pasting it as Bitmap, and it worked well. When I Insert it using the word menu, it is clipped. Are there any special setting I need to tweak for insertion of the images?
    – QuirkyBit
    Apr 3, 2021 at 11:46
  • I've updated the post with some more information.
    – QuirkyBit
    Apr 3, 2021 at 11:50
  • Nothing of it changes what I say above. As it stands now my suggestion is: buy more RAM or replace the (old?) computer with a newer one, while making sure it has more RAM.
    – Hannu
    Apr 4, 2021 at 8:01
  • This all seems too strange to me because the computer with 32GB of RAM and a dedicated GPU RTX-2060 cannot display an image vs 1GB of RAM and Intel integrated GPU can...
    – QuirkyBit
    Apr 5, 2021 at 12:36
  • Should I try with a machine with 64GB of RAM just to be able to insert an image in word?
    – QuirkyBit
    Apr 5, 2021 at 12:37

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