Whenever you type a new word into Google Translate, it changes the URL and saves it into your history. Sure, fine, whatever, but I am trying to go through my Google History and now it's completely polluted with pages and pages of Google Translate urls. How can I clear this out of my history so going through my history is actually usable?

Things I've tried: Using Better History to search for translate.google.com and then delete them this way. This crashes my browser.

Using normal Chrome history, searching translate.google.com, selecting all with CTRL+A, and then deleting. This does 150 at a time and essentially freezes up my browser each time. I would never actually get through my history this way I can't even get close to clearing a day using this method.

3 Answers 3


I thought of two ways:

  1. Open this page in Incognito mode
  2. Open this webpage with an additional browser. Looking forward to more answers It's so annoying, especially when I need to look for something from the browser history

Update: Use the History Blocker by Site free Chrome extension to block the logging of specific websites.

  • 1
    "Annoying" ain't a strong enough word for that. Looking for a site I found 2 days ago and forgot to bookmark was a real pain before. Google "pollutes" it own history browser feature. It is so stupid it needs a third party extention to fix it. Thanks for the recent edit which solved my issue in seconds. +1 Jul 2, 2023 at 15:06

You may try this History Blacklist extension.

Open its option page, type translate.google.com and it will work.

This extension uses chrome.history.onVisited.addListener to handle the feature. However, for some reasons, it may not work. If you find it not working, try to turn the extension off and then on again; this should resolve the issue.

About Better History, when you search translate.google.com and click Delete, you just need to be patient and wait (in my case, about 10 minutes) and then all translate.google.com will be removed.

  • It looks abandoned. Does it still work? Someone claims it doesn't: github.com/smrq/chrome-history-blacklist/issues/6
    – Oskar Skog
    Dec 2, 2023 at 9:13
  • 1
    Hi @oskar, in my case, I am using it in Chromium Version 113.0.5672.93 (Official Build) (64-bit), I've been using it for 3 months and it works 99% of the time
    – FrankRx
    Dec 4, 2023 at 3:41

How can I clear this out of my history

Delete history

  • On your computer, go to Google Translate.
  • At the bottom, click "History".
  • At the top-right, click "Clear history".
  • Click "OK".

Source: See and delete your translation history - Computer - Google Translate Help

If you want to directly edit the Chrome History file see macos - bulk edit chrome history items - Super User

  • Well I don't want to delete the entire history, if you read my post, I mean obviously I know how to do that, but I guess editing the sql database directly is my only hope, thanks.
    – Anthony
    Oct 28, 2021 at 15:35
  • The first bit of my answer is addressing only the translate history not the whole history. I don't have Chrome to test so I don't know if that only clears the online translate history or removes it from the local chrome history as well. That may depend on whether you are logged into chrome and how you have sync configured.
    – DavidPostill
    Oct 28, 2021 at 16:06
  • What you described only deletes the history of the Google Translate web app, it does not clear it from Google Chrome History. Nov 27, 2023 at 12:56

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