I am looking for a spellchecker for PDF documents.

Preferably it would process the PDF and mark any errors in the document.

Preferably it would use hunspell dictionaries

  • What operating system are you using? Why don't you want to spell check the source document instead?
    – frabjous
    Oct 28, 2010 at 15:16
  • Windows, Linux. Preferably linux. Source is Docbook see superuser.com/questions/204227/spellchecker-for-docbook I have gotten limited support for spellchecking in dockbook working through XML Mind and I have also tried Aspell but those dictionaries are pretty weak - so this is a longshot :)
    – oluies
    Oct 28, 2010 at 15:30

1 Answer 1


There are many programs that allow you to activate mouse "right-click" (or any other selected button), on-spot translation (from all languages to all languages)

The most popular two are: 1. Babylon 2. White Smoke

Best of luck!


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