Do you know any good software that analyses voice and woudld return a visual representation of your pitch? I need this software to help me in teaching students to sing, The software can at least give me a visual representation so I can easily show it to them.

Please suggest a software that will help me analyze the pitch of a voice, it should be easy to use and understand good for students that wants to learn how to sing.

I am running on Windows 7, I have a Core 2 Duo CPU (2.4GHz x2), and 2GB of RAM.

2 Answers 2


This can be accomplished by using any wave editing software that support a spectral view. You can see the fundamental frequency of a voice recording as a wavy line (See: http://www.google.com/search?q=spectral+view&tbm=isch for sample pictures..) The lowest line is usually the fundamental frequency. For your purpose, linear (as opposed to logarithmic view) is more useful as it spreads the harmonics farther away in terms of pixels.


I know Garage Band can tell you which note, however this doesn't tell you the pitch, nor is it for Windows 7.

You could try getting a piano application and seeing which note corresponds with what they're singing. While your students are at it they might learn basic piano notes too.

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