Recently, I've realized that my ^A key binding has stopped working in OSX.

My assumption is that some application has registered ^A as a hotkey, but I don't know that for certain. I don't recall installing anything new lately, but it's certainly possible that I did and just forgot.

Some other pertinent info:

  • ^A doesn't work in any application -- this isn't just a Terminal.app issue
  • Other control combos (eg: ^E) still work as expected
  • Looking through the Keyboard System Preferences pane shows nothing bound to ^A
  • A reboot doesn't help
    • However, logging into under a freshly made account does cause the issue to go away (i.e.: ^A works for the test account)
  • My StandardKeyBinding.dict has the correct value for ^A
    • Note: I don't have a DefaultKeyBinding.dict in /Library/KeyBindings or ~/Library/KeyBindings

Any ideas on how to debug this?

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    Jun 22, 2011 at 21:40

1 Answer 1


I'd still like comments on how to debug this kind of thing in general, but the answer to this point problem is answered here: http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=1172355

You can fix this problem by deleting the following plist file, which will reset all your keyboard shortcuts: com.apple.symbolichotkeys.plist in ~/Library/Preferences, and then logging out and back in again.

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