On my computer, I have a direct connection to the internet, But, I also have a different connection on my computer which is a https proxy running on a certain port.

On windows, I can access that proxy using proxifier & now I need a way to use that same proxy in linux.

Till now, I have already tried directly setting mozilla firefox ssl proxy and http proxy but no success. I also tried setting https_proxy but that also didnt help.

More info about proxy:

shadyabhi@archlinux ~ $ telnet 8080
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
connect google.com:80 HTTP/1.1

HTTP/1.0 200 Connection established

EDIT: I basically want to know how to use http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2817.txt proxy. Also, pls see the https part of this page http://www.proxifier.com/documentation/v3/proxy.htm

Now, I need help as I am stuck.


1 Answer 1


Install stunnel, configure it,

client  = yes
accept  =<localport>
connect = <proxyserver>:<port>

then set http_proxy to<localport> (where localport can be any unused port in the 1024..65535 range).

This way, your programs will see a plain HTTP proxy while stunnel will handle the SSL layer.

  • client program ↔ stunnel [←Internet→] proxy server
  • btw, I tried that configuration and tried to use it as http proxy, it says "The connection was reset". Also, pls have a look at sprunge.us/HEEc Jul 3, 2011 at 2:09

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