I don't see a ./configure option for +clientserver specifically. How do I enable it?

I'm on OS X (Lion). From some googling, it sounds like +clientserver requires an X server, but my MacVim installation has it, despite no X server, and the author of this post uses it purely in the terminal.

1 Answer 1


+clientserver requires some form of IPC to discover the server and send commands to it.

On Unix, Vim uses X11 (the GUI feature) for this – the author of that post does mention that they are using Vim inside urxvt, an X11 terminal.

On OS X, the MacVim fork additionally has support for "distributed objects", an OS X-specific concept. Again, this requires GUI support to be enabled.

  • Thanks a bunch for this clear and short introduction. Thank to MacVim and lots of tutorials on the internet, I was under impression that vim on Linux supports that too.
    – lzap
    Jul 25, 2014 at 8:38
  • @lzap: It does, yes – when compiled with X11 support. Jul 25, 2014 at 11:50
  • Yeah, for some reason Fedora and Red Hat derivates does not have it. And it makes sense - I don't want X11 to be installed on text-only server...
    – lzap
    Aug 19, 2014 at 8:52
  • So it's not possible to compile with clientserver unless using MacVim?
    – oarfish
    Oct 28, 2018 at 8:27

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