I need to find some software that creates a Virtual Screen size of 1680 x 1050 even though the screen only supports 1366 x 768.

It can scroll, but it needs to scroll to a maximum of 1680 x 1050 as we have software that needs to run at that resolution.

Any ideas, ive tried a few things

Infinate_Screen DEXpot

but these dont seem to do what i need it to do

The laptop only has a standard graphics card. i.e a basic intel

Any ideas ?

1 Answer 1


Windows support Downscaling, that dows exactly what you need: It will increase the resolution as seen from the OS, and the monitor will scroll.

Open Regedit and look for "Display1_DownScalingSupported". Set this parameter to 1 for all entries you will find

// I used it only on netbooks to run "metro apps", but I noticed that it doesn't work on all systems

Remember also that modifying your registry is always something you do at your own risk

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