I have a file containing words (one per line) such as


I have a secondary file in CSV format such as


I would like to use grep with the first file being the search pattern, if a line in the secondary file contains a word in the first file I would like to entirely remove the line in the secondary file.

I am not sure grep is even the way to go about this.

EDIT: bash scripting

  • sed or awk is what you want, not grep.
    – Zoredache
    May 10, 2013 at 18:43
  • How will you handle escaping issues in the csv? This could be a really complex set of regexs.
    – jpaugh
    May 10, 2013 at 21:17

1 Answer 1


You can do this using grep's -f option (that's lower-case -f, not -F):

% echo -e 'Dog\nFish\nCat\nShoes' > ./file1.txt 
% echo -e '1,shoes,red\n2,apple,black\n3,fog,blue' > ./file2.csv 

# Grab all lines from the CSV that match a pattern from file1:
% grep -if ./file1.txt ./file2.csv

# Grab all lines from the CSV that DON'T match a pattern from file1:
% grep -vif ./file1.txt ./file2.csv

Detailed explanation:

  • grep — self-explanatory
  • -v — means 'return lines not matching the input pattern'
  • -i — means 'use case-insensitive matching' (since your first file had capital letters and the CSV didn't)
  • -f — means 'interpret each line in the specified file (file1.txt) as a pattern to use for matching'

Depending on the results you want and the contents of your files, you may also want to read into the -F and -w options.

If you need to edit the file in-place, i think you can do this with sed's -f option, but sed interprets each line of the file as a command rather than a simple pattern like grep does.


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