I've recently started using Awesome WM and trying to recreate a Yakuake-like experience I found the Scratchpad manager.

I've tried several configurations to make it work with terminator, and so far the only one that approaches working is this:

 awful.key({ modkey }, "F11", function () scratch.drop("terminator") end),

So when I press the trigger, terminator is opened but it's resized (or moved, I can't tell) to the top of the screen and with a height of 1 pixel. If I use gnome-terminal instead of terminator, it works fine.

Any ideas?

1 Answer 1


You can set the position and dimensions as you need in scratch.drop.

The format is (app, Y, X, width, height).

awful.key({ modkey }, "F11", function () scratch.drop("terminator", "top", "center", 720, 400) end),

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