I want to type text as

\section*{इनपुट साधने ऑनलाइन वापरून पहा}
आपण निवडलेल्‍या भाषेमध्‍ये टाइप करणे सोपे बनवतात

I'm using vi editor version 7.2.411 on CentOS. Can you point me to right documentation to type this text. (I've HTML Entities corresponding to foreign language text)

  • what terminal or terminal emulator are you using? if you're using emulator, you can use the input method of client OS to input non-ascii characters. Jul 5, 2013 at 14:57
  • I'm using 'putty' version 0.58
    – Pawan Mude
    Jul 5, 2013 at 15:27
  • So you're connecting from a Windows machine via putty to a remote CentOS system? Could you give these details in your question please?
    – terdon
    Jul 5, 2013 at 16:22

1 Answer 1


In Putty set your enconding here:

Settings > Window > Translation > Remote character set > UTF-8

And in vi:

:set encoding=utf-8

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