I want to tell certain combinations of genes that make bacteria species.


sample number, gene A, gene B, gene C.

The formula should be:

  • If all 3 are negative then it is a rest group
  • If A and B are positive it is bacterial strain Pn
  • If A and C are positive it is bacterial strain Ps

How can I achieve that?

  • 2
    How is your table layout like? And what happens if A, B and C are positive? Or is that not possible?
    – Jerry
    Oct 1, 2013 at 11:46

3 Answers 3


This forumula does it, although I've made some assumptions based upon your post!


enter image description here

Stick the forumula into the first row, then drag down the full length of the table.

  • 1
    Good, simple answer. Also, sorry about the mix up on my suggested edit. A moderator edited the post before the edit was approved, which removed a lot of the text and made my edit look different than intended. Oct 1, 2013 at 14:27

For a slightly different approach convert your data into an Excel Table (this allows for easier data maintenance and analysis). Then, assuming the following table:

bacteria species

Use the following function for your bac_sp column:

=IF(AND(SIGN([gene a])=-1,SIGN([gene b])=-1,SIGN([gene c])=-1),"Rest",IF(AND(SIGN([gene a])=1,SIGN([gene b])=1,SIGN([gene c])=-1),"Pn",IF(AND(SIGN([gene a])=1,SIGN([gene b])=-1,SIGN([gene c])=1),"Ps","")))

Using the table allows better name usage (e.g. [gene a] rather than B2) and usage of the sign function prevents the need for explicit greater/less than comparisons. You can also create Pivot Tables based upon this and get some basic stats like count of each type of strain.

EDIT: To avoid a misunderstanding regarding the above function, please review the Excel function Sign. This function simply evaluates whether a particluar value is positive, negative or zero and returns 1,-1, or 0 respectively. So, it doesnt' matter what the coded value is, simply whether it's positive or negative. Here's a sample with more diverse sample data (and the same bac_sp formula):

additional example

As you can see, the results are the same, regardless of the coded values in the gene columns. The function's arguments of -1, 1 are based upon the possible return values of the Sign function, not based upon the values in the data table.

  • 1
    This isn't good - what happens if the value was -2? By hard coding actual values into the Excel sheet like this, you've made it impossible to update.
    – Dave
    Oct 1, 2013 at 12:58
  • This doesn't look for the coded value, rather it looks at the value's sign (see Excel Sign function), which returns -1 for negative, 1 for positive (and 0 for 0). So, it evaluates solely whether a number is negative or positive, regardless of its value.
    – dav
    Oct 1, 2013 at 14:45
  • I had no idea. This is great. +1
    – Dave
    Oct 1, 2013 at 19:44

I would use this if you have the genes are in column A, B and C respectively and starting on row 1:


It basically checks for the sign of each cell's and multiplies them by a specific number.

If all are negative, SUM returns 8 so that Rest is picked.

If A and B are positive, we get a sum of 5, hence Pn.

If A and C are positive, we get a sum of 3, hence Ps.

  • 1
    FWIW, it looks like this gives a false Pn result if A and B are negative and C is positive. Also, you're correct, it needs an IFError wrapper for all positive, otherwise it returns #Value!.
    – dav
    Oct 1, 2013 at 16:23
  • 1
    @dav Fixed both issues without IFERROR(). I just didn't evaluate all the combinations. Did them now.
    – Jerry
    Oct 1, 2013 at 16:34

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