I want to set up voting options/buttons for my new meeting. Some searches on the 'net mention that voting options can be found in the "Options" tab of the New Meeting window. However, it seems there is no "Options" tab in my Outlook.

My tabs: enter image description here

I've looked through "Customize Ribbon", but don't see the "Options" tab nor voting options there either.

enter image description here

How can I go about finding the voting options?

  • Worth noting is that if you have Microsoft Lync within your place, you can do polls and many other miscellaneous things in there.
    – Nick
    Oct 23, 2013 at 17:27

2 Answers 2


Note: Outlook 2013, not 2010

Looking through, I don't know if it's possible to allow voting options when scheduling a meeting, however, it is there when I simply create an email. Most resources that I have found reference the availability within email creation, not meeting creation.

enter image description here

(Bigger image)

  • 1
    Strange to see voting not included in meeting invites though, seems like a practical spot for it..
    – Nick
    Oct 23, 2013 at 19:32

Click File->Properties to see Voting and Tracking Options, "use voting buttons"

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