While traveling in Lao PDR, I've subscribed to an unlimited cellular data plan (at Lao Telecom) because I have to maintain some websites during my trip. Everything works fine (connection is even pretty fast) but I would like to be able to use an outgoing SMTP server for some reasons related to a bug I encounter in one of these websites.

I can obtain SSH access and was used to connect to the french Free ISP smtp.free.fr outgoing SMTP server habitually, but this one requires to be under a Free connection.

  • 1
    I think it is off-topic here. But why are you asking? Did you test whether it works?
    – Bernhard
    Dec 20, 2013 at 13:52
  • 5
    This question appears to be off-topic because it is about SamTap
    – user165733
    Dec 20, 2013 at 14:14
  • 1
    I think this is a good question but it's not a travel question. I'm not sure if it belongs on SuperUser, ServerFault, or StackOverflow. I would tend toward SuperUser because I use it for questions vaguely similar. Dec 21, 2013 at 3:23
  • 1
    Do you need to be able to use an outgoing SMTP server that is physically inside the country of Laos, or has a *.la DNS/rDNS, or has a Lao Telecom IP, or do you just need to be able to access ANY outgoing SMTP server from your connection?
    – K.A.Monica
    Dec 22, 2013 at 4:38
  • 1
    @K.A : I need to be able to access any outgoing SMTP server from my connection. For example, in France, I use smtp.free.fr, that can be accessed only when you are connected to the Free ISP.
    – smonff
    Dec 22, 2013 at 8:53

1 Answer 1


prerequisites - if the following is true:

  1. you want the computer with which you are connecting to be able to connect a specific port on a destination host: farhost:farport
  2. the farhost:farport is unreachable - you did check with a simple tcp connect (using telnet or other means trying to establish a connection)
  3. you can configure the software that wants to connect to farhost:farport to connect to localhost:localport
  4. you can establish a SSH connection to a "known good" host on the internet (goodhost), that can connect to farhost:farport

then a possible solution is to run SSH on your local computer, forwarding a port on localhost over the SSH connection via the "known good" host to the far host, for example

ssh -L localport:farhost:farport goodhost

and to configure the application to connect to localhost:localport

  • It seems to be very simple now you've explained how to deal with it. Thanx
    – smonff
    Dec 26, 2013 at 1:40
  • 1
    :-) but wait, there's more - check out SSH option -D to fake a SOCKS firewall, tunneling most of your network traffice over the SSH connection Dec 28, 2013 at 17:28

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