I started using mu4e for email in emacs recently, and while I was successfully able to configure my email and get comfortable with the general navigations for keys, I can't seem to find the good old fashioned "send-message" keybinding that's C-ENTER for a lot of email clients.

I've looked through this excellent list, but wasn't there.

I know my configuration works because when I click that button the GUI here, where the cursor is, it sends:

enter image description here

So, I'm wondering two things:

  1. Minor question: what is the function that is sending email? I'm using smtpmail, I think, for my actual send, if that changes anything.
  2. Major question: What's the best way to identify the keystrokes that control the functions in the GUI? (I'm using emacs so I don't have to click buttons!)
  • my attempt: I think C-c C-c will send the mail.
    – Ehvince
    Jan 9, 2014 at 16:59
  • 1
    The function should be something like message-send-and-exit.
    – Tobias
    Jan 9, 2014 at 17:00

4 Answers 4


The answer to the major question:

  • Type C-h k and then click the toolbar button. It won't actually perform the action, but pop up a help buffer that tells you the name of the function.
  • Then type C-h w (for "where is") and type the name of that function. That will tell you what keys, if any, are bound to that function.

Also try C-h m. This shows you the current modes (including the major mode) and its keymaps. The keymap for the major mode is the most important thing. There you see which function is bound to which key.


The answer to the minor question: C-c C-c will send the mail: http://www.djcbsoftware.nl/code/mu/mu4e/Useful-keybindings.html#Useful-keybindings so see the function with C-h k RET C-c-c. It may be that one: http://www.djcbsoftware.nl/code/mu/mu4e/Sending-mail.html#Sending-mail

C-c-c is the usual keybinding to hem… «validate buffers» (like in commit mode with magit and I forgot other examples). C-c C-k would cancel.


C-h m, C-h k, C-h b, and C-h w are helpful, but they only get you so far.

Icicles key completion lets you know, in any given context, just (a) what inputs are possible; (b) which keys are available; and (c) what they do.

For example, S-TAB M-q does both what C-h w (where-is) does and what C-h c (describe-key-briefly) does. It also does what C-h b (describe-bindings) does.

Key completion can be handy in several ways, and it can teach you various things about keys and commands as you use it

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