
I am new in windows 8 , i would like to know the core shortcuts in the windows 8. which will help me in further use?

i like to work on windows 8, so help me to know more

Thank you .


2 Answers 2


You can use the same shortcuts of windows 7 to windows 8. Some known shortcuts for Windows 8 are following

  1. Winkey + s or w or q (for search)
  2. Winkey + d for minize all windows including apps
  3. Winkey + t (cycle thourgh windows thumnail preview)
  4. Winkey + u (open ease of access)
  5. Winkey + x (open context menu on start button , only on 8.1)
  6. Winkey + h (share content)
  7. Winkey + m (minize windows)

in addition to e_sha's list:

Win + c = Charm
Win + , = preview desktop
Win + . = toggle snap/fullscreen mode
Win + s = search in apps
Win + w = search in settings

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