I am using windows 7. I also use Linux Mint every now and than. One of the nice features of Mint is that it has volume feedback when pressing the volume buttons on the keyboard/laptop. I would see a volume indicator on the screen and hear a sound corresponding to the set volume. In windows I have neither. I can get volume feedback by click on speaker icon in the toolbar and than dragging the slider around. I would like for windows 7 to give me some visual and audible feedback when adjusting the volume. How can I do this. is it even possible without 3rd party tools?

enter image description here

1 Answer 1


Displaying a volume level indicator is usually part of the audio card driver or its accompanying software. But all is not lost.

Matthew Malensek has created 3RXV which is a skinnable, volume control application which aims to emulate the volume display of Mac OS on Windows. Addictive Tips has a tutorial on how to get the most out of the application, but seems as if the application itself is fairly straight forward.

Addition: If you want to change the default sound for a skin, overwrite the sound.wav file found under the skin's folder.

Hope that helps!

  • The sound when changing the volume is not so nice. Can I change it to the sound the mac makes?
    – Vader
    Feb 13, 2014 at 21:43
  • 1
    Added how to change the sound for a skin to the main answer. See if that helps. :-)
    – JSanchez
    Feb 13, 2014 at 22:13
  • @Vader Alternate solution: Volume2
    – and31415
    Feb 14, 2014 at 12:33
  • @JSanchez thanks. I will stick with 3RVX because I like the skins more.
    – Vader
    Feb 14, 2014 at 13:42

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