So, I am using Ubuntu 12.04.4 and I wonder if there is a program for opening PDF-files installed. I find that evince is installed in the system (by googling), and I stop to think if this can be done within Linux instead.

Using a terminal.

man -k PDF

Which does not print evince, since -k searches the NAME section in all the manuals, and the text does not mention "PDF". Fortunately, Ubuntu 12.04.4 comes with man version 2.6.1 which has the option -K --global-apropos.

man -K PDF

gives a list mentioning evince + a a lot more files since the -K forces the search to be in all the sections in the manuals.

evince is just an example. And in hindsight a better keyword is "viewer".

How shall one (in the most effective way) find what programs are installed in a Linux system that match certain keywords?

Is there another way than man (or apropos)?


1 Answer 1


You can use dpkg --get-selections

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