I'm writing a batch job that needs to copy a directory of database backups from a network drive to the local machine.

When I manually move these files in Windows 8 I get a nice copy dialog that shows the overall progress.

I can automate this process using Xcopy, but the copy takes a very long time and there's no feedback to show that anything is in progress.

Is there any command that can be used on Win8 that will trigger a copy and display the progress dialog?

2 Answers 2


Use ROBOCOPY instead of XCOPY


There's also a custom PowerShell function that a user wrote on StackOverflow.

  • 1
    It's important to note here that Robocopy will not open the GUI progress dialog, but it WILL return lines in the command prompt window itself, as well as offer logging options. Apr 25, 2014 at 15:28

RichCopy is ROBOCOPY wrapped in a GUI. It shows the progress of the file copy in detail, allows saving and loading of options, and is somewhat easier to get started with.

enter image description here

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