I have an Ubuntu server on which a Virtualbox virtual machine needs to be running at all times. The VMs are administered by a specific user VMAdmin which has no admin privileges. I need to create a init.d script for handling my virtualbox VMs.
It should:

  • start VM whenever the host system boots;
  • save the guest system's state whenever the host is shut down;
  • provide commands for starting, shutting down, resetting and backing up the VM.

1 Answer 1


The following script takes care of all of the above:

#! /bin/sh
# /etc/init.d/vbox

#Edit these variables!

case "$1" in
        echo "Starting VirtualBox VM..."
        sudo -H -u $VMUSER VBoxManage startvm "$VMNAME" --type headless
        echo "Resetting VirtualBox VM..."
        sudo -H -u $VMUSER VBoxManage controlvm "$VMNAME" reset
        echo "Saving state of Virtualbox VM..."
        sudo -H -u $VMUSER VBoxManage controlvm "$VMNAME" savestate
        echo "Shutting down Virtualbox VM..."
        sudo -H -u $VMUSER VBoxManage controlvm "$VMNAME" acpipowerbutton
        sudo -H -u $VMUSER VBoxManage list vms -l | grep -e ^"$VMNAME": -e ^State | sed s/\ \ //g | cut -d: -f2-
        echo ""
        sudo -H -u $VMUSER VBoxManage controlvm "$VMNAME" acpipowerbutton

        echo "Waiting for VM "$VMNAME" to poweroff..."
        until $(sudo -H -u $VMUSER VBoxManage showvminfo --machinereadable "$VMNAME" | grep -q ^VMState=.poweroff.)
          sleep 1

        FILENAME=$(date +"%Y_%m_%d-%T")
        echo "Backing up Virtualbox VM to '$BASEFOLDER$FILENAME'..."
        sudo -H -u $VMUSER VBoxManage clonevm "$VMNAME" --options keepallmacs --name $FILENAME --basefolder $BASEFOLDER

        echo "Restarting VirtualBox VM..."
        sudo -H -u $VMUSER VBoxManage startvm "$VMNAME" --type headless
        echo ""
        echo "Usage: sudo service vbox {start|stop|status|shutdown|reset|backup}"
        exit 1

exit 0

Tell the script be the first to shutdown and the last to startup:

sudo update-rc.d vbox defaults 99 01

To add backup task to crontab, run:

sudo crontab -e

And add a line like:

* 3 * * 5 service vbox backup

Which will run a weekly backup on Fridays at 3 AM. For more info on creating a crontab task see: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/how-do-i-add-jobs-to-cron-under-linux-or-unix-oses/

Related question: Bash script to wait for Virtualbox VM shutdown?

  • I love it! But, it doesn't look like an upstart script ;-)
    – Andrew
    Jul 29, 2014 at 14:09
  • Thank you for this script. can you adapt it to take the name of the virtualbox as parameter ?
    – skonsoft
    Oct 12, 2015 at 0:43
  • 1
    @skonsoft: you could probably replace $VMNAME with $2 and the use start the service with sudo service vbox start VMNAME. I'm not sure if this usage is recomended or even allowed.
    – Emanuel Ey
    Oct 12, 2015 at 9:28
  • Yes i did it and it works. Command like this: sudo service vbox VMNAME start. I asked you to do this because i want to sahre with you another script that uses your script to start all configured VM (Just by calling your script ) and it works very well
    – skonsoft
    Oct 12, 2015 at 10:57
  • 1
    @skonsoft I'd like to see that script. Please add it as another answer to this question or post it as a standalone question with answer and share the link. Also, remember to upvote it this question was useful to you ;)
    – Emanuel Ey
    Oct 12, 2015 at 11:09

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