I am working with Ubuntu and I would like to change my default shell to z shell. I cannot use the chsh -s /bin/zsh or chsh-s /bin/sh myuser command since my user name does not exist in /etc/passwd and it's actually a network user. Any idea to work around it and make zsh my default shell?

  • I currently load zsh using .bashrc but I am looking for the actual solution.
    – Moorara
    Jan 12, 2015 at 23:44
  • 2
    Where is your Ubuntu box getting its list of network users from? An LDAP server or something? Did you try fixing your record in that LDAP server?
    – Spiff
    Jan 13, 2015 at 0:15
  • I have no idea! How?
    – Moorara
    Jan 13, 2015 at 17:03
  • If you get your user account from a NIS server, ypchsh where yp stands for yellow pages might work. But for a precise solution you need to provide more details...
    – mpy
    Jan 13, 2015 at 18:01


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