Is there any way I can install silverlight plugin for Firefox without admin privileges? For Flash there's an .xpi extension so that I can install it on Firefox Portable.
3 Answers
The installation of Silverlight itself requires admin privileges, so even if there was an .xpi installer it wouldn't really help.
Note that you must have sufficient administrative privileges to install Silverlight.
It sounds like you can't; sorry. (Though you should probably search around some more before taking my word for it.)
I was able to extract and "install" Silverlight 3 as a plugin for FirefoxPortable v3.6.10 and SRWare Iron (Chrome variant) v6.0.475 using the techniques listed in this conversation at, and the files from the Silverlight 3 SDK.
Netflix streaming and the few other tested Silverlight applications worked fine. Netflix gave me errors (perhaps DRM issues) on my first attempt with the latest Silverlight.
To summarize the steps:
- Download the Silverlight 3 SDK
- Drill into the Silverlight file (with 7-Zip or similar)
- Extract the following files to the plugin folder of your web browser
agcore.DLL coreclr.DLL microsoft.visualbasic.DLL mscorlib.DLL mscorrc.DLL npctrl.DLL NPCTRLUI.DLL silverlight.configuration.EXE silverlight.configurationui.DLL sllauncher.EXE slr.dll.managed_manifest system.core.DLL system.DLL system.runtime.serialization.DLL system.servicemodel.DLL system.servicemodel.web.DLL System.Windows.DLL system.xml.DLL