
For some weeks I am wondering why jpg files I save with Photoshop are extremly big like a 300 x 300 image is around 600 KB even when I reduce its quality all the way down to 0. Its all in RGB 8 Bit so thats not the problem is this a known bug? I am using Photoshop CS 5.5

Even when I create a blank white canvas its still more than 500 KB when saving as jpg

How can localize the problem better?

I uploaded the blank white image I created which is around 500 KB big could someone have a look at it?


  • Upload your image to imgur.com/ & embed the link in your post. The link you posted is taking me some place else. Also its not a bug in Photoshop
    – clhy
    Commented Nov 14, 2015 at 3:30
  • Edited my post its now on imgur Commented Nov 14, 2015 at 3:53
  • 1
    That file is merely 4KB. Which 500KB are you talking about ? One that shows at the bottom left corner ?
    – clhy
    Commented Nov 14, 2015 at 4:40

1 Answer 1


Here is my short answer:

No, Its not a bug & you don't need to localize the problem.

JPG/JPEG & many other image formats commonly use lossy compression.

That means when you are looking at a jpeg/jpg file, its a compressed file with a lot of image data discarded & when they are rendered in Photoshop it gets reconstructed into a simple bitmap (an array holding 8 bits per color × 3 colors × width × height) which is larger in size than original file.

Also Photoshop allows you to re-sample images, add layers and they also account for increase in size

Also read:

What affects file size ?

Why does my Photoshop show my JPEG files unusually large ?

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