I have a hard drive in my computer that I'm not using. I want Windows 7 to shut it down. I don't want to have to manually remove the cable.

(The reason is that for some strange reason my computer will not boot if it's not connected. disk boot failure after upgrading power supply)

I know that Windows 7 will shut it down after a certain period of time of it not being used. How can I force it to shut down without having to wait for this?

  • do you want to shut down the harddrive or just a partition?
    – BasisBit
    Jan 29, 2010 at 5:47
  • I want to shut down the whole hard drive so that it is not powered on.
    – Phenom
    Jan 29, 2010 at 5:52

2 Answers 2


As long as it is connected to the computer, it will be powered on, you need to remove it physically and refresh the bios.

  • Are you sure this is correct? For example Windows changes the power-state of harddrives to off after some time - depending to your settings - to save energy. I think you just have to search a little bit for how to change the powerstate of a device at msdn.com . But also you could ask some software-developers for help (e.g. at stackoverflow.com)
    – BasisBit
    Jan 29, 2010 at 6:48

You can shut down a Hard Drive using RevoSleep https://www.meinfach.net/revosleep/. (If the download does not work, try downloading from chip.de/downloads/revoSleep_29717202.html)

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