So I am running this command:

FORFILES /S /M *.dmg /C "cmd /c if @fsize equ 1595694080 echo @fname"

and the output:


but the problem is that I want the name without the quotations

like this: 058-26174-078

2 Answers 2


How do I remove the quotes from a variable in a cmd shell?

You need to use ~ parameter extension together with for /f to do this.

Use the following command:

for /f %i in ('FORFILES /S /M *.dmg /C "cmd /c if @fsize equ 1595694080 echo @fname"') do @echo %~i

To set a variable, and in a batch file, use the following command:

for /f %%i in ('FORFILES /S /M *.dmg /C "cmd /c if @fsize equ 1595694080 echo @fname"') do @set MyVariable=%%~i


  • %~1 Expand %1 removing any surrounding quotes (")
  • In a batch file replace %i with %%i and %~i with %%~i

Further Reading


Use the for command, here is an example:

@echo off
FORFILES /S /M *.dmg /C "cmd /c if @fsize equ 1595694080 set quote=@fname"
for %%a in (%quote%) do set dequote=%%~a

And you can use the %dequote% variable to get the dequoted string, I may have got the syntax wrong because I have never worked with the forfiles command.

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