I have around 9000 images, which are named: X0.png, X1.png, ..., X9000.png

The music is 5minutes long. And I would like to generate a 30FPS video.

I know, there is a command-line tool, called ffmpeg. But the parameters are very complicated, and the name of the images makes the situation also problematic. Because alphabetical X12.png comes before X2.png, which is not the expected behaviour.

1 Answer 1


Use a tool like Advanced Renamer to rename the images with padding so that ffmpeg uses them in the correct order. If using AR, use method New Name with pattern Y<Inc Nr:0001>. Make sure the ordering of the input within AR is correct before you process the renaming.

Then, use ffmpeg like this

ffmpeg -framerate 30 -i Y%04d.png -i musicfile -pix_fmt yuv420p -shortest movie.mp4

(the -shortest ends the movie when the shorter of the two - images or music - ends.

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