I have a column with several thousand heights, in different formats, that I would like to convert to inches.

Examples from actual data:

5 ft 2 in

6 feet 3 inches

6ft 3 inches

6 feet 3"




5 71/2

I'm thinking there is some way to get the feet in one column and the inches in a second to calculate inches. Feet seems easy, with LEFT, but I'm not sure how to reliably get the inches in another column.

What's the best way to do this?

  • A quick googling led me to this. Might be helpful.
    – Dan Hogan
    Feb 8, 2016 at 20:35
  • Are all those examples of how your data is entered? 5 ft 2 in, 6 feet 3 inches, 5*8 (for five feet eight inches?), 5.3 (is this 5 foot three inches, or 5.33333 feet?)
    – BruceWayne
    Feb 8, 2016 at 21:33
  • 1
    @Kerbal314159 Yes, these are examples from the actual data. This was user entered, and no restrictions were placed on format Feb 8, 2016 at 21:40
  • Oh goodness, that last sentence is scary. Hm, okay this will be trickier. Can you try and post an example of all the different ways the heights can be entered?
    – BruceWayne
    Feb 8, 2016 at 21:41
  • @BruceWayne I'll separate by ";": 5ft; 5 ft; 5'; 5 feet 2 inches; 5 ft 2 inches; 5'2"; 5' 2"; 5ft 71/2"; 5ft2in; 5ft 2in Feb 8, 2016 at 22:12

2 Answers 2


This will be a multi-step solution, and I would solve it by breaking it into parts.
I will use your semi-colon delimited list (from the comments), plus one additional value: 5ft 7 1/2".

  1. Standardize the list as much as you can using SUBSTITUTE:

    Col B: Replace "feet" with "ft"   =SUBSTITUTE(A2,"feet","ft")
    Col C: Replace "'" with "ft"      =SUBSTITUTE(B2,"'","ft")
    Col D: Replace "ft" and " ft" with " ft"
                                      =SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(C2,"ft"," ft"),"  ft"," ft")
    Col E: Remove "inches"            =SUBSTITUTE(D2,"inches","")
    Col F: Remove "in"                =SUBSTITUTE(E2,"in","")
    Col G: Remove "                   =SUBSTITUTE(F2,CHAR(34),"")
    (CHAR(34) is the double quotes symbol, ")
    This can also be done with a long nested formula. I prefer simple.
  2. Use SEARCH to find the position of " ft"; if it's not there, write "0"

    Col H: =IFERROR(SEARCH(" ft",G2,1),0)
  3. Calculate the number of feet

    Col I: =IFERROR(VALUE(LEFT(G2,H2-1)),0)
  4. Inches is harder, because it can contain fractions.
    Determine the text representing inches and trim leading spaces using TRIM.

    Col J: =IFERROR(MID(G2,H2+2,1000)),0)
    Col K: =TRIM(J2)
  5. Determine if there are fractions in the "inches" text.
    If there is a mixed fraction, the whole numbers should be separated from the fraction by a space (71/2 = 35.5; 7 1/2 = 7.5)
    Find the position of any spaces and "/" symbols after them.

    Col L: =IFERROR(SEARCH(" ",K2,1),0)
    Col M: =IFERROR(SEARCH("/",K2,L2+1),0)
  6. Find the number of inches or (if there is a mixed fraction) the whole number of inches.
    If the inches text = "", the number of inches is 0.
    If there is no "/" symbol, assume the number is a decimal number.
    If there is a "/" symbol, the whole number is the number before the space

    Col N: =IF(K2="",0,IF(M2=0,VALUE(K2),IFERROR(VALUE(LEFT(K2,L2-1)),0)))
  7. If there is a "/" symbol, calculate the numerator and denominator.
    If there is no fraction, denominator = 1.

    Col O: Numerator    =IFERROR(VALUE(IF(M2=0,0,MID(K2,L2+1,M2-L2-1))),0)
    Col P: Denominator  =IFERROR(VALUE(IF(M2=0,1,MID(K2,M2+1,100))),1)
  8. Add the list of numbers

    Col Q: =I2*12+N2+O2/P2



You can use MID or Right for inches or you can convert text to column. Also there is a Formula Convert you can use after separating the data,this formula can convert all kind of units see the help for it.

  • I just don't see how to efficiently use MID and RIGHT since there is so much variation between data points in the same column. Feb 9, 2016 at 20:17

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