I have a script that activates sublime text window:

IfWinExist ,Sublime
        WinActivatebottom ,Sublime

If there are many windows of sublime text it shows them one after another (each time I press it shows the next window).

My question is: There is one project (moshe.project), That I don't want to show. How I add an expection to it

For example: ifWinExists, Sublime !moshe

1 Answer 1

 ; autoexecute section:
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
; GroupAdd, GroupName, WinTitle, WinText, Label, ExcludeTitle
GroupAdd, Sublime_group, Sublime,,,moshe
     return   ; end of autoexecute section

#IfWinExist, ahk_group Sublime_group

IfWinNotActive, ahk_group Sublime_group
    GroupActivate, Sublime_group, R  ; activates the newest window (the one most recently active)
    GroupActivate, Sublime_group  ; activates the oldest window


EDIT: Use Window Spy to find the exact title of the window you want exclude.

EDIT2: I modified the code to catch all windows that have "sublime" in the title, and don't have "moshe" in the title.

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