I want to replace the background color of a image [Attached below] with a lot of "stuff" in it. How will I go about doing this ?

I want to take out the white and replace it with Black.

enter image description here

Thanks In Advance !

1 Answer 1


Probably you can do it in many ways. Here below one:

  • Open the image go on color, color to alpha; click.
  • It opens a windows where should be just selected the white color.
    If the color selected is not the white one, click on the color and change it to ffffff.
  • Now you have an image with a transparent background.
  • On the left switch the background color to black. (you know if it is not black change the background color to black 000000).
  • Now you can select from menu image and flatten image.

*** DONE ***

enter image description here

Of course if you use another color instead of black you can see it better :-)

enter image description here

  • You are welcome, nonetheless on next time question try to elaborate a little more what you want to do... it will be more easy to answer you. :-)
    – Hastur
    Mar 23, 2016 at 11:57

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