So I am having rather an odd issue that I do not know how to investigate.
I installed Asterisk with FreeBPX on a raspberry pi and configured it to use IAX, used a softphone to connect and everything is working great on my local network.
Then I opened the needed IAX port in my router and tried to test it from another network but it did not work, my phone simply could not reach the Asterisk server. This strikes me as a NAT issue, but I used a UDP sender program to send a packet to the IAX port, and in the logs chan_iax2 acknowledged receiving a midget packet, this tells me that there are no NAT problems.
My biggest fear now is that my ISP is somehow blocking IAX and SIP traffic, but I can't think of a way to debug this. So my question is: How can I debug this issue? How can I know if my ISP is blocking IAX traffic?