I use a folders to sort through my email so i create several folders by topic. I also use the autoarchive folders so i end up with a lot of empty folders in my inbox.

Can i delete these folders in the inbox or will this impact my archive?

1 Answer 1


Yes, you can remove those folders without impacting your archive because the items are no longer in the data file you are using.

Unlike a traditional backup in which a copy is made, archived items are moved to a separate Outlook Data File and set aside to be accessed when needed.

Source - How to Archive email in Outlook 2010

  • Do you move e-mails manually those folders under your inbox, or do you use Rules Wizard. It won't impact your archive, but your rules wizard may be confused if a folder it is expecting is no longer there.
    – Sun
    May 10, 2016 at 15:05

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