I have managed to install windows 7 on VN7 792G Black Edition.

The last thing what's left is sound.

Realtek ALC255 sound card is not recognized, but It is detected on PCI bus.

I have been trying to manually add this driver (with success), but error code 10 was displayed.

Anyone knows about 3rd party drivers, which could probably works with this notebook?

I need windows 7 for my work, but I like this notebook look's, so I would like to keep it (I have still couple days to return it and get something else).

  • According to the Research done on this Forum the SST audio drivers are not supported on windows 7. Which is why its not working properly. May 11, 2016 at 6:30
  • If you really wanted to keep it you could run windows 7 in a Virtual machine on the laptop. Unless the company needs only windows 7 to be on there. Such as for Enterprise settings. May 11, 2016 at 6:50
  • Yes, I have found this forum earlier, but I thought someone might know an answer on this site :/
    – Avien
    May 12, 2016 at 7:11


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