I switched to zsh completely on a previous arch install and I LOVED it mainly because arch is one of the distros that capitalizes your Documents, Downloads, Music and such directories in your ~ directory. Since I wasn't used to that and I use tab completion for almost everything in the terminal zsh was like heaven for me compared to bash.... I swear this feature used to be active automatically because I don't remember having to tweak anything to make it work that way. I probably figured it out on accident. xD But I would greatly like to have this feature restored on my new pc using zsh as my main shell, and if anyone knows how to do this I would really appreciate a reply. I tried activating every option in the completion configuration and that didn't seem to do the trick... so that brought me here.
PS: I used to be a lot more up to date with my Linux know-how, and my knowledge has grown stale... I'm trying to remedy that... (without the use of the shift key, as much as possible... haha)