I cannot get into the mail applet under Control Panel. When I click on the mail applet, I see the loading circle for a few seconds and then it disappears and nothing happens.

Environment: Windows 7 Professional box 64-bit. Office 2013. My office 2013 applications are working just fine.

Things tried:

I tried a full online repair on the Office in add\remove programs and then rebooted but experienced the same result (failure).

I uninstalled the Office 2013 suite, reinstalled it and rebooted but experienced the same result. I deleted the Outlook profile in the registry (after first creating a backup) but I was unable to log back into my Outlook after deleting the profile. I restored the registry entry and I logged back into my Outlook.

I cannot find any semblance of the file mlcfg.cpl to modify or add to control panel. I still can't get into the mail applet in the control panel. How do I resolve this?

  • It could be an issue with your profile. You could try logging into a different user (create one if necessary, delete after testing) and see if it works there.
    – LPChip
    Jun 29, 2016 at 14:41
  • all my users with Microsoft Outlook 2013 experience this inability to open up the mail applet. I have tested over 5 of them now. I don't think they can all have the same issue with their profile all at once.
    – Jericho
    Jun 29, 2016 at 15:13
  • Agreed, but your post did not mention that you tried it, so I had to rule it out.
    – LPChip
    Jun 29, 2016 at 15:19


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