I want to import a ton of tweets to Twitter from a txt file but some of the lines are over 140 characters long. How can I remove the lines that are over 140 characters long? I am using Windows 7.


  • windows 7 is not a text editor, so you can't do that with it. You need a text editor like Notepad++ or Word. Do you want to delete them from the file or split to multiple lines? Aug 10, 2016 at 8:06
  • I know Windows 7 is not a text editor, I just added that so people would not suggest solutions that work on Linux. I want to delete all lines that are over 140 char long.
    – Allar
    Aug 10, 2016 at 8:15
  • What tools do you have? Notepad++, Word? Aug 10, 2016 at 8:19

1 Answer 1


I do not think so you can do this with Windows default notepad. If you can install notepad++ you can do this very easily by following below steps:

  1. Install notepad++ latest version and open text file which contains data
  2. Press Ctrl+F and navigate to "Mark" tab
  3. In the Find what input box, type .{140,}
  4. Check Bookmark line
  5. Select Regular Expression radio button under search mode
  6. Go to Search menu, look for bookmark (2nd last option).
  7. Select Remove Bookmarked Lines
  • Might be easier to immediately replace ^.{140,}$ with empty lines, I think? Aug 10, 2016 at 8:50

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