If this question is dumb, I apologize. I am a somewhat advanced novice in all things hardware, and still learning.
I have an AMD A8-7600. It has 10 cores (4 CPU + 6 GPU). I needed multiple (4) monitors, so I added two graphics cards.
I disabled the integrated graphics. So does the processor use those 6 GPU cores for anything? I found this, but the comments there are more for intel chip. And they are arguing over whether the CPU cores perform better after adding a dedicated graphics card, not really addressing what happens to the GPUs. The consensus seems to be a faster CPU without the heat generated from GPU and better performance without sharing RAM with GPU. This implies the GPUs are sitting idle, but I am not sure if that's the case, and whether it holds for both Intel and AMD.
My question is more about what those 6 cores DO now that graphics are taken care of. Do the GPU cores sit idle? Or do they get tasked? Is there a way to test this?
(What I would like to hear is that these cores are available. Part of the reason I built this rig was to be able to run several million statistical simulations. That would be helped considerably by being able to run 6 or 8 cores at a time in parallel, instead of just 2 or 3.)
Part of the reason I built this rig was to be able to run several million statistical simulations. That would be helped considerably by being able to run 6 or 8 cores at a time in parallel, instead of just 2 or 3.
Do the simulations run on cpu? If so more graphics cores will do nothing.