I have Babun installed and Zsh configured, I've been using it for months and I've configured my WebStorm to execute intellij.bat
as a shell program.
@echo off
set currentdir=%cd:\=/%
@echo cd %currentdir% > "%USERPROFILE%\.babun\cygwin\home\%USERNAME%\.bashrc_cd"
call %USERPROFILE%\.babun\cygwin\bin\bash --login -i -ls
The thing is: This relies on bash and I want to use .babun\cygwin\bin\zsh.exe instead.
But I don't know how to configure it so it opens in the right directory.
I don't know whether I should open this question in SuperUser or AskUbuntu ^_^
PS: Could someone create the tag babun
? https://babun.github.io/