I have a CSV like this

1,John,New York
10,Peter,Los Angeles

I'm in multiline select mode. I obtained the multiline cursor by selecting all the rows I needed and pressed ctrl+shift+L. I then pressed the home key, to go to the beginning of the line.

How would I select only the ids in this CSV (which of course is a lot larger than 3 lines)

I can for instance select a section like this, by holding the shift key and then the right arrow 3 times


...but this is not what I want, rather I'd need this


Any way I can do this? I don't want to have to open vim unless it's absolutely necessary.

2 Answers 2


Here's what I would do:

CMD + A (select all)
CMD + SHIFT + L (multi line select mode)
CMD + LEFT ARROW (go to left of selection)
SHIFT + ALT + RIGHT ARROW (select first column)

With this input:

1,John,New York
10,Peter,Los Angeles

It selects:


Note that I'm on Mac so I guess you have to use 'CTRL' instead of 'CMD'.

  • 1
    That does work, but has some limitations. For instance, if one of the IDs contains a dash while the others don't, then this doesn't work. Commented Nov 28, 2016 at 13:19

I would suggest using the Find functionality instead of multiple cursors / multiline edit mode, although the following would also work with multiple cursors as long as the selection still covers the ids (i.e. so don't press Home).

  • Select the lines you are interested in, then open the Find panel (Find menu -> Find...).
  • Tick "In selection"
  • Ensure "Regular expression" mode is enabled
  • Enter ^[^,]* as the search string
  • Click the "Find All" button

This regular expression basically says: begin searching at the start of every line (in the selection) for any number of characters (including 0, in case some ids are missing, for example) that are not a comma.

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