How can I get the value of the current window's title
, set like this:
TITLE Here Are The New Contents
There's nothing built in, but you can retrieve it from the tasklist
tasklist /fi "imagename eq cmd.exe" /fo list /v
wmic process get parentprocessid,name|find "WMIC"
which returns the parent PID of the executing instance of cmd.exe. You can then parse the string (perhaps a for loop) to extract the PID and run against tasklist as tasklist /fi "pid eq <PID>" /fo list /v | find "Window Title:
Dec 12, 2016 at 20:16
call to determine the current cmd.exe
' instance's PID (process ID), by parsing the wmic
call's output. A temporary file is needed, because direct use of for /f
with the wmic
call would run it in a child cmd.exe
process, which wouldn't work. After parsing the temporary file with for /f
to extract the PID into variable, that variable can then be used in a tasklist
call to get information about the current cmd.exe
instance, including its window title. tasklist
's output too must be parsed with for /f
to extract the window title in isolation.
May 7, 2023 at 18:56
In cmd.exe (usual command line prompt):
Set window's title:
title "Your New Title"
Get window's title: I didn't found anything useful to do such thing, However if you have some knowledge with C# or Visual Basic, you can develop a little program that will look in opened windows to find your command line and return the title for you. (using the PID of parent process (your cmd.exe))
In Powershell: (things are easy here)
Set window's title:
[system.console]::title = "Your New Title"
Get window's title:
$myTitleVar = [system.console]::title
or you can output it directly:
echo [system.console]::title
simply outputs [system.console]::title
for me
- just submit [system.console]::title
as-is (PowerShell implicitly outputs [to the display]). If you do use echo
(which is an alias for Write-Output
, whose explicit use is rarely needed), you must enclose the argument in (...)
: echo ([system.console]::title)
- in command arguments, a token-initial [
isn't evaluated as an expression and considered a string literal; see about_Parsing.
Oct 6, 2019 at 19:31
Calling PowerShell from your batch file via its CLI, powershell.exe
, is easiest:
:: Outputs the window title.
powershell -noprofile -c [Console]::Title | findstr .
returns the current console window's title using the System.Console
.NET class; PowerShell provides access to all .NET types.
The findstr .
command is a dummy command, which is necessary to prevent the output from containing a - <command-line>
suffix, owing to the fact that cmd.exe
appends such a suffix to the window title while a command line is executing (<command-line>
here represents the specific command line invoked).
Appending a suffix does not happen if a pipeline (|
) is used, so the addition of | findstr .
exe - which simply passes (non-empty) output through - is enough to prevent a suffix from showing in the result.
Complete example that shows how to capture the title in a variable:
@echo off & setlocal
:: Assign a custom title.
title This ^& That
:: Retrieve the current title and store it var. %thisTitle%
for /f "delims=" %%t in (
'powershell -noprofile -c [Console]::Title ^| findstr .'
) do set thisTitle=%%t
echo This window's title: "%thisTitle%"
The above yields:
This window's title: "This & That"
More cumbersome alternative via wmic
and tasklist
The ingredients for this solution are in AtomicFireball's answer and a comment on it, but how to put them all together may not be obvious. The code below does that.
As you can see, the solution is much more complex compared to the PowerShell solution; note that using powershell.exe
with the -c
) parameter is not subject to the infamous PowerShell execution policy, so there should be no concern about using PowerShell for this task.
Complete example (same output as above):
:: Assign a custom title.
title This ^& That
:: Find the PID (process ID) of this cmd.exe session.
:: Note: A *temporary file* is required to capture the command output,
:: for later parsing. A `for /f` command cannot be used DIRECTLY
:: because it would execute the command in a *child* cmd.exe process,
:: which would report the wrong PID.
:: Get a path for a temporary file.
set TEMPFILE=~getpid_%DATE%%TIME%.txt
WMIC process get Name,ParentProcessId | findstr "^WMIC\.exe" > "%TEMPFILE%"
for /f "tokens=2" %%i in (%TEMPFILE%) do set PID=%%i
del "%TEMPFILE%"
:: Now use the PID to look up process details, which includes the window title.
for /f "tokens=1,* delims=:" %%i in (
'tasklist /fi "PID eq %PID%" /fo list /v ^| findstr "^Window Title:'
) do set thisTitle=%%j
:: Trim the leading space:
for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ("%thisTitle%") do set thisTitle=%%i
echo This window's title: "%thisTitle%"
Or for short as a batch function:
rem # Assign a custom title.
title This ^& That
rem # Retrieve the current title.
CALL :getWindowTitle windowTitle
ECHO windowTitle="%windowTitle%".
:getWindowTitle titlevar
FOR /f "usebackq delims=" %%t IN (`powershell -noprofile -c "[system.console]::title"`) DO SET "thisTitle=%%t"
ENDLOCAL&CALL SET "%~1=%thisTitle%"
powershell ( Get-WmiObject Win32_Process -Filter ProcessId=$PID ).ParentProcessId
Window Title: N/A
on Windows 11. Seems that the PowerShell command get the wrong ProcessID
May 7, 2023 at 5:53