So some smartphones are mounted as.. I don't even know how to call it.. a device, see the screenshot below. The problem is this is no drive, so I can't go there in cmd
(can I?) and do other stuff.
(particularly now I'd like to recover some files that were lost when I cut them on the smartphone, navigated to another folder on my PC and pasted there; I encounter this bug for the second time, although failed to make it reproducible; again, Recuva doesn't recognize the device, see the second screenshot)
My question is: can I mount such device as a drive? What is this situation and why some devices are mounted as drives while others are not?
(I've tried also to enable USB-debugging mode on the smartphone, but that didn't help, although when enabled, safe ejection is required)
PS for those interested, currently I use WebDAV server app for some operations like OscarAkaElvis suggested, but for now, it has the following drawbacks:
- drive letter mapping is to be done per WiFi network. That's a Windows problem, not sure if this can be simplified
- namely WebDAV server doesn't work for me in the password-protected mode
- some operations are slow: for instance, calling
in cmd with output to a file for several tens of folders and 1.5K files tree took ~10 minutes
PPS for certain purposes like autobackuping, syncing via SyncThing is a good substitution of mounting.
netsh wlan start hostednetwork