In LibreOffice Writer, in a table cell, there is the text "abcdef/+ghijklm". The cell is not wide enough to contain the whole text, so there is an automatic line break after the "/" even though "abcdef/+ghi" would fit into the line. How can I prevent the automatic line break?

I know how to insert a protected hyphen or a protected space, but how can I disable the automic line break in general? I didn't find any formatting option and no solution on the web.

1 Answer 1


Apparently the behavior to break on punctuation cannot be disabled. My recommendation, which you seem to already be aware of, is to add U+2060 after the slash to keep it from breaking.

Or, the unicode character U+0338 is a slash that will not break lines. Note that this is a combining diacritic, which means that it attaches to the letter "f" to make a single character, rather than two.

Another method is to go to Format -> Paragraph -> Text Flow, and check Hyphenation - Automatically. This seems to do the trick except that it adds a hyphen. There is more about hyphenation here.

The only other way is simply to add a manual line break after the "i".

A discussion is here: https://forum.openoffice.org/en/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=5160

  • The text must not be changed in any way because it's an encrypted password. I only want to change the way the text is displayed. But if there's no formatting option, I'll accept it. Thx.
    – user674865
    Jan 3, 2017 at 17:16

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