One of the strange behaviors I find on my Windows 10 device with a touchscreen is pressing on the touchscreen and having no mouse-button down event triggered. For example, I use an app called Caustic which has an onscreen keyboard which you can play using the mouse. However, the touchscreen doesn't work when I set my finger down on the screen and no note is played. It's waiting instead to see if I drag my finger before I lift it back up. The Press and Hold settings promise to remedy the problem, but to no avail. Instead of showing a big rectangle when I press and hold, if I hold very still, a tiny circle appears (in a clockwise animation even), but still no mouse-down event occurs.

If it matters, I have an MS Surface Book. If no know solution exists, I was thinking maybe a program could dll inject and modify the message queue to insert WM_LBUTTONDOWN messages whenever a WM_TOUCH message is seen.



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