The site I visit most often is umich.instructure.com. Unfortunately, that page then loads several resources from urls in the form umich.instructure.com/_____. For whatever reason, Safari now assumes I want to navigate to umich.instructure.com/dashboard-sidebar whenever I type u into the address bar.

Is there anyway to edit autocomplete preferences? Or is there a way to "trick" Safari into preferring the correct site (perhaps by reloading it a few hundred times with a script)?

How can I stop Firefox from autocompleting the wrong site in the location bar? is similar, but for a different browser.

1 Answer 1


Try bookmarking the right URL. I believe bookmarks are preferred over history URLs.

  • This is a good idea, but somehow it doesn't work... do you think it's worth trying to send in a bug/feedback to apple? Feb 1, 2017 at 15:06

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