As we all know, Notepad ++ is the perfect program. That is, except for one thing--as far as I can tell, there is no plugin or native function that will display your file's document structure in outline form. I have searched high and low for this and I'm asking here as a last effort.

Specifically I would like to be able to visualize a .tex file, with the various \section, \subsection, and \subsubsection branches in an outline. It would also be useful for seeing the structure of other coded documents, like .html files.

Does anyone know of any way to do this? I know that some other programs, like TexStudio, have this ability, but one can only pay so high a price.

1 Answer 1


Code folding

Notepad++ has code folding built in:

Code folding

Most programming languages support the notion of code block. When Notepad++ detects a keyword or operator that starts a block, it inserts a fold point, which shows on the fold margin.

You can click on such a symbol to fold/unfold the corresponding block. Its first line is always displayed. Ctrl-clicking a folded point will recursively unfold all blocks inside it.

Additionally, the View menu provides the following commands:

  • Fold all blocks (Alt-0)
  • Unfold all blocks (Alt+Shft+0)
  • Fold this block (Ctrl+Alt+F)
  • Unfold this block (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F)
  • Fold this block at level n (Alt+n)
  • Unfold this block at level n (Alt+Shift+n)

The words "fold" and "collapse" are used interchangeably, and similarly "unfold" and "uncollapse".

Topmost code blocks are said to be at level 1. Their direct sub-blocks are at level 2 and so on. The block level must be a digit between 1 and 8. The default shortcuts use the top keyboard row, not the numeric keypad. Note that the folding block where the current line lies is highlighted on the fold margin. You can change the colour being used using Settings -> Styler Configurator -> Global Styles , Fold active. This will work with the box or circle folding block style only.

The shortcuts for folding and unfolding a level have the same appearance on the Shortcut mapper. However, collapsing commands follow Collapse current level, and likewise for uncollapsing.

Fold state for a document is recorded in session files so as to be restored on reopening the document from the session.

Source Lines And Blocks

I would like to be able to visualize a .tex file in an outline

You will need to add Tex as a User Defined Language.

The easiest way to do this is to import a pre-built Tex UDL file.

There is one available at LaTeX Editing Using Notepad++:

Notepad++ is built on the Scintilla text-editing library, which includes support for highlighting TeX files. I preferred to make some changes to the style, and unfortunately this requires you to create a user-defined language. The user interface to do this in Notepad++ is under Language > Define your language.... Here you can specify your own options and export them to a UDL (User Defined Language) XML file. If you wish, you can import my UDL file for TeX and modify it to suit your needs.8 To force Notepad++ to use your user-defined language when opening TeX files, disable the built-in TeX processor by going to Settings > Preferences... > Language Menu/Tab Settings and moving TeX from the Available items list to the Disabled items list.

Note that by default you will not have auto-complete available for a user-defined language. In order to correct this, you can copy the tex.xml file from your Notepad++ install (on my machine this is C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\plugins\APIs\tex.xml) to a file named userDefineLang.xml in your settings folder (on my machine C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Notepad++\plugins\APIs\userDefineLang.xml). This is somewhat inelegant as the same auto-completion list must be used for all user-defined languages. Notepad++ is not perfect.

Examples showing a .tex file folded and unfolded.

enter image description here

enter image description here

It would also be useful for seeing the structure of other documents, like .html

That is built in. See Folding above.

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