I'm not asking how to set a background image in a terminal emulator like gnome-terminal or lxterm.

I'd want to know if it's possible to set a background image to a pure linux console, and if it can be done, how.


2 Answers 2


Short answer: no

Long answer: no. While you could possibly write a program that hijacks the terminal, and sets each individual cell to a different background, or even set up a custom font set to display the background image (with some gaps), there is no way currently to set a background image on the linux console. The image processing would be done using the X server, and if you are running the X server, then you are no longer in the linux console, and instead using a terminal emulator (like lxterm and gnome-terminal


It's actually possible, but you'll have to patch the kernel or find a patched one for your distribution. Patchset is called fbcondecor.


Some linux distributions offer this patch for their kernel, Gentoo Linux for instance. Here you can find more information how to configure it in gentoo. https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Fbsplash

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